A client was curious as to why their company colors were different and followed with the question “What is CMYK?” Here’s a quick explanation. #CMYK stand for #Cyan, #Magenta, #Yellow, and #Black. These four colors are typically found in all printers that compose images. Using different levels of cyan, magenta, and yellow a printer can create various colors and then use levels of black to make different tones. When cyan, magenta, and yellow are equally combined they make black. CYMK makes #white by not applying #ink in areas, revealing the white paper. #RGB (#red, #green, #blue) are the colors of #light that create images on your television, computer, etc. If all colors are combined equally, they make white. RGB creates black by simply using no color or light. Most designs are created on digital screens, so in order to properly translate your colors to printing, the colors need adjustments. This usual causes your image to appear different on screen. When picking your colors, be sure the not choose colors of high saturation (ex. Lime green, highlighter pink, etc.) High saturated colors work well on screen, but they will appear dull on print mediums.